What Are The Best Features of Shopify Plus?

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Shopify Plus is a fully hosted enterprise eCommerce platform targeted towards high volume merchants. The average Shopify Plus merchant experiences 126% growth year-over-year. Crazy, right? Crazy good.

It’s specifically designed for those rapidly growing businesses that require more advanced features to support growth and a more efficient eCommerce site, leaving more time for you to focus on your product and your customers.

So, why else should you choose Shopify Plus? Here are some reasons why it could be the perfect eCommerce platform for you.

Multiple stores

If you’re selling your products to multiple international markets, Shopify Plus is the platform for you. Plus' multi store function allows you to have up to 10 stores (at no extra cost) so you can cater to and tailor your site to different regions, helping you to manage multiple languages, locations, currencies and more.


Shopify Plus allows you to focus on growing your business instead of stressing over your website. Plus offers merchants unlimited bandwidth and can process up to 8,000 orders per minute per store. It’s also hosted with scalable SaaS (cloud-hosted software), making highly variable checkouts and flash sales flexible and easy to manage.

High-volume traffic capacity

Never worry about flash sales again thanks to Shopify Plus’ Launchpad tool! Launchpad allows you to set up, schedule and automate almost every process needed to run a flash sale or special event.


Using Launchpad, you can:

  • Schedule manual tasks to happen automatically: e.g. publishing new products and descriptions, changing product prices during a campaign, adjusting theme images so they are event-related
  • Easily create complex scripts: e.g. offer free gifts with certain purchase, offer free shipping depending on order value and type, create offers on specific product bundles
  • Watch your campaign unfold using the event dashboard: monitor sales, AOV and inventory levels in real time and make adjustments mid-campaign.

Wholesale management

Interested in selling wholesale? The Shopify Plus Wholesale Channel allows you to expand into the wholesale sector by creating a separate storefront that is an extension of your online store.

The wholesale channel is great for companies that do both wholesale and retail. You’re able to integrate both channels, meaning you can streamline your invoicing and operations processes, but have the flexibility to work with customers of all sizes. It’s also perfect for brand new companies hoping to set up a wholesale store. If you’re looking to try out wholesale, Shopify can get you set up within minutes thanks to the user-friendly admin.


What can you do with the Shopify Plus Wholesale Channel?

  • Allow your customers to quickly purchase, track and reorder
  • Create custom price catalogs for individual customers or groups
  • Enable fixed-price lists, percentage off, or volume-based discounts
  • Review orders before invoicing for negotiated details
  • Automatically integrate loyalty and reward programs.

As of June this year, you can now add a custom domain name to your wholesale store as well as automate client onboarding.

Note: the Shopify Plus Wholesale Channel is not ideal for stores with complex wholesaling systems involving frequent custom orders and varied client needs - these kinds of merchants will require a custom wholesale store.

We have extensive experience with custom wholesale implementations, get in touch with us!

Complete customisation

Shopify already has loads of great ready-to-use themes that can be customised to fulfil your eCommerce needs. This includes playing around with fonts, colours and changing your homepage content and layout.

With Shopify Plus, however, you can take your store’s customisation to a whole new level. For those larger stores looking for something more unique, JavaScript and CSS can be used to fully customise your store’s checkout experience, allowing you to incorporate conversion optimisation techniques.

Advanced security

With Shopify Plus, you get Level 1 PCI DSS compliance throughout the platform, meaning the security burden is on Shopify. You’ll also receive dedicated SSL certificates throughout the entire shopper experience.

Automate everyday tasks using customisable workflows

Wasting precious time manually completing basic tasks? Shopify Flow is an eCommerce automation platform for Shopify Plus that can be used to set up completely custom back-end workflows, helping your business to become more organised and efficient.

Flow is a condition based builder that allows you to set up automatic workflows using triggers, conditions and actions.


Need help getting started setting up a workflow? We’ve got a bunch of tutorials on the blog.

Apps and integrations

Shopify is renowned for its comprehensive app marketplace, with over 1500 verified apps. These apps and integrations can assist merchants with a range of areas, including:

With Shopify Plus, you’ll no longer have to worry about hitting your API limit. Shopify Plus’ advanced API limit means you can achieve a lot more when it comes to apps and ERP integrations: easily connect your CRM, accounting and multi-channel software with your Shopify Plus store.

Customisable Discounts using Shopify Scripts

Shopify Scripts are a Shopify Plus feature that let you change the way you interact with shoppers at checkout. These small pieces of code allow you to experiment with new pricing models based on data findings e.g. how your customers are responding to your products and marketing efforts.

Scripts can help Shopify Plus merchants to do things like attract new customers, incentivise higher spends and bigger carts, create product bundles and market directly to VIP customers.

Using scripts, you can experiment with:

  • Tiered pricing e.g. buy one get one free discounts
  • Minimum threshold discounts
  • Product bundling
  • Attracting new customers
  • Targeting VIP customers
  • Making quick sales e.g. taking a percent or dollar amount off particular items

Priority service thanks to your dedicated Success Manager

Each Shopify Plus merchant will be teamed up with a Merchant Success Manager. As you’d expect, your Success Manager is there to ensure a successful store launch. Not only can they assist you with basic Shopify enquiries, but they’ll introduce you to all the tools you can use to boost your sales - such as apps, payment gateways, customisable checkout pages and mobile responsive checkouts.

Get started with Shopify Plus!

There’s a reason why so many merchants have moved over to Shopify Plus. Whether you’re interested in migrating over from another platform or starting a store from scratch, we can help - we’re Shopify Plus experts. You can view some of our portfolio work and testimonials from our happy customers here.